Remote Visual Inspection at Boiling Water Reactors

Remote Visual Inspection (RVI) equipment such as videoscopes, video borescopes, pipe inspection cameras and remotely operated vehicles (ROV) can be used for a variety of inspection requirements during outages at Nuclear Power Plants. Here are some examples of inspections that can be performed remotely using videoscopes, video borescopes, ROV's and pipe inspection cameras. Foreign Object Search and Retrieval is another common function performed during outages.

Foreign Object Retrieval or Foreign Material Exclusion (FME) utilizes equipment such as videoscopes, video borescopes, pipe inspection cameras and a range of foreign object retriaval tools to locate and remove items from plant system. Foreign Objects, loose parts and other material may become trapped inside piping, turbines, cavities, fuel pool and other difficult to reach areas. Areas that are common to remotely inspect during a plant outage ate Boiling water reactors include:

Reactor Head Inspections:

  • Penetration weld inspection using videoscopes
  • Reactor head cladding inspection

Cavity Inspection:

  • Liner integrity
  • Foreign Material Exclusion (FME) and loose parts retrieval

Turbine Closeout Inspection:

  • Foreign Material Exclusion (FME) and loose parts retrieval
  • Structural integrity of turbine casing (inspection)

Spent Fuel Pool Storage:

  • Special Nuclear Material inventory, FME search and retrieval (including under rack)
  • Inspection and vacuum of rack cells
  • Fuel pool inspection, debris characterization, and leak detection
  • Fuel transfer canal inspection (BWR6), debris characterization, leak detection, FME retrievals, diver support (or elimination, when possible)
  • Fuel pool gate seals and seal area

Balance of Plant Piping Systems:

  • Main steam piping inspection / retrievals
  • Foreign Object Search and retrieval
  • All process piping, including turbine piping, radwaste / resin systems, etc.

Bottom Head Inspection and FME Loose Parts Retrieval:

  • Reactor bottom drain line remote cleaning, UT, remote automated welding
  • Steam leak / reactor coolant leak detection
  • Video support for dose reduction in high radiation areas
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